The following is the motion being put forward by my branch, the Willie Cremins Limekiln-Greenpark/Greenhills Branch, on public transport.
Preliminary Agenda - Motion to Labour Party Conference 2009
Willie Cremins Branch (Limekiln/Greenpark-Greenhills),
Conference believes;
That the social, environmental and economic infrastructure of the country is dependent on a stable, well-funded and effective public transport system.
Conference notes;
That recent attacks on public transport by the Government, particularly Dublin Bus, are a betrayal of environmentalist principles and our responsibilities to lower carbon emissions.
Conference further notes;
That those hit hardest by cuts in Dublin Bus routes and services will be those on low incomes, the elderly and the immobile.
Conference rejects;
Right-wing proposals to privatise certain routes which will lead to the cherrypicking of profitable services and the downgrading of Dublin Bus overall.
Conference reaffirms;
The Labour Party’s commitment to a well-funded, effective and affordable Dublin Bus service in public ownership, serving all communities in the