Monday, 13 April 2009

Canvassing in Perrystown

Some people don't believe we're the youngest local election campaign in Ireland.

True, we have some proud support from veteran political campaigners here in Greenhills, chief amongst them Cllr Eamonn Walsh.

But pics like these show the major success of our campaign to date - getting dozens of young people active and engaged in politics.

I'm pictured, top right, in Perrystown with Colm Lawless, Brian O'Connor and Ciarán Rose on the canvass last week. The picture was taken by another canvasser, Kirsten Gordon, who features with the three lads below.

Later that evening we had a visit from the DCU Labour Party who are undergoing a resurgence this year. They joined up with some of our regular team for some campaign work in Dublin 12. The picture (taken by Paul Mulville) looks heavenly, not just because it was Holy Week, but moreso because the only lights to illuminate us were the training floodlights used by the Robert Emmets team in the 8 Acres!
No matter what way the count goes on June 6th, engaging scores of young people in politics like this will be something to take pride in.