Sunday 8 February 2009

Gilmore for Taoiseach!

Last week I created a group called "Gilmore for Taoiseach" on Facebook.

Already, over 200 people have signed up. But we want this to grow to tens of thousands so we can change the script - it's not just a choice between FF and FG. Here's the blurb for the group, which you'll find here.


People in Ireland want change. We are fed up - not just of a Government who have dropped us into a spiralling recession, but of conservative politics and right-wing economics. Enda Kenny and his Fine Gael party offer little different to the status quo.

The real alternative is Labour. The Labour Party has the ideas, the values and the policies to get Ireland back working.

Eamon Gilmore TD, Labour's leader, has the highest approval rating of any Irish political leader and is leading the charge for a third option in Irish politics.

That third option rejects neoliberal economics and the greed of the speculators, developers and bankers who have caused the unprecedented hardship we are now in.

That third option proposes positive solutions to get our economy back going - an economic stimulus package which will put tens of thousands back to work and a taxation system which closes off the developer loopholes and avoidance scams.

That third option stands for better public services - health, education, transport and housing. And it stands for a politics of fairness and equality above all else.

That third option is Labour. Eamon Gilmore can break Civil War politics by becoming the first ever left-wing Taoiseach in Ireland. Get active with Labour at - and play your part in creating that history.